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I provide specialist Occupational Therapy assessment and treatment to adults with ADHD, and High Functioning Autism.
Adults with ADHD and/or High Functioning Autism experience some very significant problems with the "occupations" they need to perform on a daily basis. Occupational Therapy is an holistic way of finding out exactly which areas of functioning are causing difficulties, and working in partnership with the client to develop and carry out a targeted treatment plan aimed at improving their day to day functioning.
I can therefore support clients at home, or at work, or in specific leisure environments, as necessary. I can provide formal reports, with recommendations for employers, if required. 
Some examples of tasks or occupations, that OT can help with are:
  • Coping at Work
  • Managing time
  • Personal Organisation
  • Self Care
  • Identifying and dealing with Sensory Issues
  • Managing Impulsive Behaviours
  • Problem Solving
  • Financial Management
  • Coping with Family Life
  • Driving

Occupational Therapy assessment is a holistic way of finding out exactly which areas of functioning are causing difficulties for the client. As the assessment progresses it is often necessary to focus in on one or two main areas, which will then guide us towards agreeing the client centered goals for treatment. It is all about what matters most to the client.


I offer a free initial telephone consultation, to get a better idea of individual issues, and to start identifying some jointly agreed goals for the treatment. 


The treatment or intervention goals typically involve specific occupations or activities which are important for the client. This might mean focusing on particular skills which are important for performing those activities, or it may mean looking at equipment or adaptations which would make it possible to carry out tasks more easily.


Services offered could include:

  • Detailed assessment of the client, their environment, and their occupations

  • Advice and signposting

  • Sourcing of aids and equipment

  • Bespoke goal oriented treatment programmes

  • Education and support for family members/employers/carers

  • Formal reports and recommendations to GP/employer/Psychiatrist

  • Joint working with other professionals involved


If you would like to make a referral for yourself, or for someone else, please get in touch using the "Contact" form below.

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